Full Name Today's Date Street Address City State Zip Code Email Address Phone Number Date of Birth What high school are you currently attending? Pigeon Forge High SchoolGatlinburg-Pittman High SchoolSevier County High SchoolSeymour High SchoolNorthview Senior AcademyThe King's AcademyHome School Graduation Date I have been accepted, plan to attend, and can verify acceptance to: College Major Short Essay: Please tell us about yourself. What are your educational aspirations? What career do you hope to have after college? What are your future goals? In detail, describe how your future goals listed above relate to working in the hospitality & tourism industry after finishing college. Where do you hope to live when you start working after graduating? Tell us about your community service, examples of leadership, & what you are actively involved in your senior year. Where have you volunteered? What is a good example of you being a leader among your peers? Describe your senior year. Tell us in detail and describe your experiences. Submit Attachments : High School Student Resume High School Transcript Two (2) Letters of Recommendation One from high school faculty / staff One from a manager at a job or a non-profit leader where you have volunteered *Do NOT use a family member or have family friends *Please have your letters of recommendation emailed to admin@pfhospitality.org I verify by my signature below that all information contained in this application (including all attached documentation) is accurate. Please consider my application for the Pigeon Forge Hospitality and Tourism Association Scholarship. *If you have any questions or have trouble submitting your application, please contact Courtney Lindbert, PFHTA Executive Administrator, at admin@pfhospitality.org Jan 25, 2023Christie