Purchase your tickets today for the SCHTA Joint Meeting Breakfast with key-note speakers TN Commissioner of Tourism Mr. Mark Ezell, and President/CEO of Hospitality TN Mr. Rob Mortenson. Learn about industry updates, and the status of Hospitality & Tourism in Tennessee. Tickets are $25 per person plus applicable taxes/fees.
After the breakfast, stay for the 19th Annual SCHTA Hospitality Trade Show. Admission to the show and educational seminars is Free. Pre-registration is appreciated.
Deadline for nominations is July 21, 2021.
Event will be August 5th at Country Tonight.
Please use the link below to nominate an outstanding employee.
If you have any questions, please email Jackie Leatherwood: jleatherwood@greystonelodgetn.com or call 865-436-5621.
If you nominate someone, please make sure you receive confirmation from Jackie that the nomination has been received.
Join the SCHTA on Tuesday April 9th, 2019, at The Ramsey Hotel and Convention Center in Pigeon Forge to hear Tennessee's new Commissioner of Tourism, Mark Ezell, to discuss current topics and the new administrations plans for Tennessee Tourism.
REGISTRATION LINK: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07eg6m11nr55aa7d1e&oseq=&c=&ch=